Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hanging Out With a Book and an Author

Are you hanging out with a good book this summer?  Join this Parish 3rd grader who has discovered that there are millions of places to read great books.  E-mail your pictures and watch to see where and what your friends are reading this summer!

REMEMBER...The Dallas Museum of Art's BooksmART Festival offers families and children of all ages a chance to celebrate literature and the arts on Saturday, June 9, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The day will feature authors, artists, illustrators, workshops, music, gallery tours, story time, games and other activities at the Dallas Museum of Art.  Check the website for more details about these fantastic authors and illustrators who are participating. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Children's Book Week

If you traveled through the library this week you undoubtedly witnessed a lively celebration of Children's Book Week.  Last year I was inspired by other librarians who set up a book walk, and I decided that we would try it this year.  The tables were pushed together and chairs set up around the perimeter.  Each chair had an animal or character behind it giving a hint about the book that was resting in the seat.  I chose books from all around the library.  Some were familiar favorites and others were wonderful fiction and nonfiction picture books that may have been overlooked this year.  After story time with books about books, the music began. The children walked around the chairs until the music stopped.  They sat down in the chair where they stopped and read the book in the seat until the music started again.  It was festive and fun!  I had planned to do this with PreK and Kindergarten, but the first and second graders couldn't resist browsing the books during their check out time, too! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Poetry Month

Poetry is part of every day at Parish, but we find special ways to celebrate our poetry love during Poetry Month in April.  Poems were shared and enjoyed all around the campus on Poem in Your Pocket Day.

Recycle a Book 2012

Recycle a Book Day has become an annual event at Parish! Not only is it a great way to communicate how we can use and reuse things in our environment, it creates a real excitement about reading and books! It's so easy to organize. Everyone is invited to bring a book that they have enjoyed reading and are ready to part with. Some brought books that they had more than one copy of. A recycle box was set up in the library. On the day of the event, books were displayed on tables in the lunchroom. As students came in for lunch, they were invited to shop for a book that they would like to take home. I loved the conversation and book talk around the tables! This was a quick and easy way to give new life and audience to some great books!